tour continues in UK

tour continues in UK… thanks to everyone for the hall of fame congratulations and all of you at the shows here in England… thanx for all the comments about the shows… Hugh Cornwell ex of the Stranglers has been opening up for us here and he is a really great guy, has been going down really well with his three piece we are planning shows in the states around the hall of fame thing we finally got to play in Albert Hall in London which is the big prestige gig, is actually a very cool place to play… it has a primitive atmosphere like it should have a dirt floor, like some great medical amphitheatre… we only saw one review for that which said that i looked like Bernie Eccelstone (who is the beat up old millionaire race car dude who has similar hair and wears sunglasses) and that kevin was dressed like “everything that was wrong with the eighties” beyond that they liked the show, great! through this all we are being filmed for a documentary by the BBC… this should be ok as we have more control over it than over past endeavors… the other night in Southend was great for me as this was the first time Akira got to come to the show… so in the first song i looked up at the balcony and there was Akira and Barbara… Akira in her headphones was going fairly crazy cheering and waving her fists in the air… she knows what we do with the band but this was the first time she saw the show per se… later on they came to the side of the stage and Akira just wandered out and started talking to me in the middle of a song… that was the night before Albert Hall, the night after she went out before the show and danced around in front of the crowd a little bit… anyway now she’s a bigger fan than ever the fans are great at the gigs, thanx to all the devoted who are attending many concerts… i got one cranky e-mail from somone who was upset cause debbie walked past a bunch of fans who were waiting for autographs without signing… i think the kids who are coming to all the shows have some idea of how tiring it is to do what we are doing… doing three days in a row is fairly exhausting and we have a bunch of three day runs even though we try and avoid them i’ll write more later when we have more down time barry was out here with us too for a while, i hadnt seen the updated site look before we got here, well done louis and barry! once again please send requests for ‘official’ type stuff to the management

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