News Archives: 2002

more for the site (added April 8)

8 April 2002

Thanks again… the volume of stuff has apparently picked up, due to the bravo show, I don’t know really… actually I don’t really know when the next record is going to be out We are still recording material which is slowing it down, it feels to be taking forever and I’m now hearing it may be as late as sept. however it seems that we’ll be on tour this summer, some of you said you saw dates on the site but I haven’t checked… I got a letter from “Tommy” who is a fan of the raw aspects of our first two records, he said that he was saddened to think of us being concerned with having a hit… believe me I’m often conflicted by my position, should I give a fuck about anything or not?… lately I just find it hard to keep art as a center in my life anyway… the world is becoming so absolutely massively fucked that I at times feel kind of insane anyway… how the fuck can I feel excited about music when I can hear stuff on car commercials that’s equal if not better to stuff that’s on the radio… I know for a fact I watch entirely too much TV… its as bad as cocaine; you hate yourself while you’re doing it but can’t stop… other night was the same old crap with a new slightly slicker all inclusive approach: “the corruption of Americas children” (or some such title) who saw this dumbness?: raise hands… anyway the same old half assed sensational approach… that guy, the host whose name escapes me blaming rock music, video games, wrestling, hip hop and various other forms of youthful expression for everything that’s wrong and as usual completely avoiding the actuality of the situation; namely that the portrayal and acting out of violence and angst that are contained in many of these forms is not the cause of, but merely a reaction to the larger overall… cause and effect mixed up… but as far as mixed up goes I don’t recall ever being as personally confused by the state of affairs around me as I am now… the other week on the front page of the daily news or the post (one of the two kind of daily national enquirer’s that are new yorks excuses for newspapers) there’s a picture of the dude who got caught fighting with ‘the enemy’ in Afghanistan, now we all know this guys ass is grass and here’s this big half page color picture of him that looks like something right out of some fucking bondage magazine; wide black strips around his bare chest, black blindfold the whole deal, he looks like he’s propped up and tied to a board or something as well, this is the front page of the goddamn daily newspaper, right,? and then here’s the punch line: this isn’t even a current fucking picture! The caption says it was taken months ago when he was first captured!!! So what the hell is the point of putting this sicko pin-up out there and is that any less violent or angst provoking than seeing Diamond Dallas Page bang somebody in the head on Raw? Yeah… anyhow this kind of stuff is making me doubt my own sanity at times…so much for reality… I loved ‘death to smoochy’ and it does my heart good to see Robin Wms. Getting out of his walt disney phase also to see it getting put down by various offended critics is cool, panic room stunk, blade 2 was amusing… Thanks again for your comments… send pictures of yourselves… also recruit more fans if you really want to help out… or get people to check out the site here… I mean damn I’d like to do more… somebody send me a hundred million bucks and I’ll do a remake of “plan 9 from outer space” or something Yours till the next full moon Love chris

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more (added March 25, 2002)

25 March 2002

all, the messages i get somehow keep getting better, i really love getting stuff that discusses views on “reality”, politics, dreams, art, etc. so casually… i feel like i know most of you, thanks for all the comments about bravo, i didnt really get how much i wave my hands around when im talking, pretty weird… the record is plowing along, we’re working on adding some more material, as usual no one can figure out what the “first single” is, this is standard procedure, lots of conflicting stuff about putting out music anyway, pretty obvious that enough money can create a hit record, put out something that fits into current formula or try something different… i think a lot of you are still under the impression that the artist is the one who chooses a “single” and in some cases this may be true, certainly we could insist that whatever record co. go with whatever it was we wanted but then we run the risk of the co. not ‘getting behind’ it, after all one wants to have the people that are promoting their music enthusiastic about what they are doing… today working with large groups of people is difficult, everyone in the arts is affected by corporate committee decisions and this is one point of conflict… everybody knows that films like TAXI DRIVER and MIDNIGHT COWBOY and THE GRADUATE etc. would be completely different if they were made today, certainly no one is going to put out a record that sounds like THE STOOGES first record or THE VELVETS first or TROUT MASK REPLICA or even THE BEATLES WHITE ALBUM for that matter, there are just kind of unwritten guidelines for the way that music is produced now that doesn’t allow for much experimentation… I don’t know maybe everyone knows all this stuff already… I mean I loved METAL MACHINE MUSIC, I used to play it all the time…. I’m digressing, right , committees, companies after all are composed of individuals and one does want to try and keep them excited about working, so the problem is so if we insist on a song and the head of the international promo dept. thinks another one would be better… you get the idea… also the problem of ‘trends’, what ever style is popular now may not be what your fave song fits into so there are radio programmers and others who are theoretically better informed and can make a better decision about what to release… I ( by the way the spelling checker kicked in here and is capitalizing I, hence the change) any way there are just layers and layers of crap that we have to cut through… I always hear people yelling: “but I just want to make art!” that’s some of what ive been doing, my wife Barbara wrote and directed a movie that I shot with a Canon XL-1 which is a high end consumer camera, (on a preview from SHOWTIME, the Deniro, Eddie Murphy movie I noticed that they were being filmed by someone holding the same camera for the tv show in the story) ive been shooting video since about 1970 or so when I took what was probably one of the first tv production courses that had a strictly creative slant at the School for Visual Arts in new york, in those days we used the ancient reel to reel sony portapacks which were gigantic and very temperamental… I shot ELEPHANTS MEMORY at the central park bandshell maybe the summer of ’71, that was before they played with John Lennon, did some early cable tv shows etc. ive got about 8-10 hours of stuff of us on tour from the early 80’s, us making AUTOAMERICAN etc. I’m still trying to figure out what to do with that and with all the footage of the “maria” tour period of which there’s a lot, ideally id like to stick it all together, do a documentary from a more personal inside point of view so Barbara’s movie is called “DRIVE”, is going to be a short, maybe a half hour… its harder for me to be objective about this than about the music, I think its really great but I cant tell how prejudicial my view is… we’re almost done with the first rough version but I also don’t know exactly what’s going to happen with it when its done, try to get it in festivals etc. she and I were both interested in trying to do something good with low, almost no production expense as well as not having the pressure of producers for a first attempt at film making… Barbara’s website is MYSTERIOUSMYSTERIES.COM, she’s got more about DRIVE there as well as her comments about life which probably connect with mine in places, on the whole she updates more than I do We’re planning to be at burning man again this year, if any of you find your way out there I’ll be hanging around with the post office people like last year I think that’s it for now I hope this isn’t too redundant… thanks again for all the messages some of the weird poetic dream imagery is great happy Happy Easter and various re-birth celebrations chris

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vultures (added March 1, 2002)

1 March 2002

dear all, please forgive the lack of comm’s from here but my computer was moofed for a while and i didnt have time to attend to its need for constant fucking attention(!) very organic this tech crap so a belated happy new year to all, related holidaze etc. ive been trying to keep busy,,, went to L.A. to do some finishing work on the record and came away from that feeling really positive about it, im really happy with how its come out, one of the main thrusts was to keep it as its own thing rather than sound like various styles around now… also make it less generic, i think we’ve succcceeeded in all this, im not sure what the ‘singles’ are the whole thing is quite a totality… DH thinks its some of her best writing as do i, lyrics are really advanced… dont know for sure when its out, certainly by summer… im really looking forward to getting reactions to it ill write a more detailed thing later i just got this thing up and running last night with XP which is pretty cool … again sorry to have missed so much time… yeah, D and myself and Paul did that show MUSICIANS which is on bravo( i think? right?) thats gonna air on the 11th of march ok over and out chris that came out really nicely as well… i liked the performances

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