19 December 2007
greetings for the holidaze to you and yours im sorry i have not been about of late… i am still out here paying some attention to the world and other passing fads… currently i am working on more music than in the past few years… i have finally settled on using Logic and macs, i just got a big ass expensive Mac pro and am currently setting it up… this is like after 15 years with pc’s (thnx barry) hmm what else..not much its snowing up here in the mountains i really liked ‘I Am Legend’ only for me the joke was not about plague or zombies but New York City real estate… does anyone else recall the Tyler Durden soliloquy from “Fight Club”?: ” In the world I see – you are stalking elk through the damp canyon forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center. You’ll wear leather clothes that will last you the rest of your life. You’ll climb the wrist-thick kudzu vines that wrap the Sears Tower. And when you look down, you’ll see tiny figures pounding corn, laying strips of venison on the empty car pool lane of some abandoned superhighway. ” thats one of the most moving bits for me in the film… i trace my particular affinity for post apocalyptic vision to having read Robert Lewis Taylor’s “Adrift in a Boneyard” when i was in the fifth or sixth grade… i’m not sure i ever thought of that particular scenario prior to that, that is being the only one left (or almost) in the dead world, though i had on all probability seen the famous Twilight zone episode with Burgess Merideth as the librarian with the ultimately broken glasses as well right about that time but’ Legend’ is very cool (you spend twenty million or two hundred or whatever you have to be in sad shape to screw it up too much)… far superior to the crappy Vincent Price melodrama and also Omega Man which was ok for something so awfully dated Luc Sante started a great blog at / Luc Sante ekotodi
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9 November 2007
Debbie Harry’s tour for her new album “Necessary Evil” is now underway, continuing until the final show in San Francisco on December 9. For more information, visit the Official Deborah Harry Site www.deborahharry.com, and if you don’t have Necessary Evil, order it!
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26 October 2007
Debbie Harry’s interview on CBC’s “The Hour”, originally broadcast on October 25, is available for viewing online at http://www.cbc.ca/thehour/video.php?id=1769 Her new solo CD, Necessary Evil and tickets for the Necessary Evil tour are on sale now. For online purchasing links and additional details, visit deborahharry.com now!
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9 October 2007
yesterday i saw a bit in the paper and when i checked found this link to the site it is self explanitory… everyone should check it, its brilliant i had to put up something about it: LIVING IN THE MALL CLICK HERE
i have always been intrigued with the negative spaces that are created in and around our society, i have run into homeless people living inbetween big buildings, under hiways etc but this is THE BEST!
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12 September 2007
me in dust storm
the ‘second’ man
some of you may have seen media about what occurred at burning man, ‘the green man’ , this year… in brief: for the last thirteen years at the event there has been a news-sheet, one of the local papers if you will called “piss clear”… this a reference to staying hydrated in the hot desert by making sure that ones piss is clear, not yellow… so there is an announcement in the paper that after all this time its gonna stop publishing, likely a big deal to some not much of a deal to others… so on tuesday i guess that was the 28th of Aug. what is supposed to be the next to last issue comes out (they only do like three issues a week i think, something like that)… piss clear is always very sarcastic and caustic and contains a lot of ‘anti-establishment’ raving about burning man being too commercial etc etc and in this particular issue there was a ranting editorial by somebody calling themselves ‘maldorar’ or some such reference to Lautreamont the mysterious 19th century French poet and writer… in this rant the guy goes on about the selling out of burning man, the idea of dubbing this years event ‘the green man’ as an attempt to appear politically correct in the eyes of the world when in fact the thing is intrinsically overfed and full of gasoline… then he goes on to suggest what a gas it would be if someone set fire to ‘the man’ before all of the yuppies show up on friday night spoiling their fun etc etc… so thats the set up… that very night, tuesday night was the night of the lunar eclipse and absolutely everyone who was awake at two in the morning was watching the moon which was on the other side of the horizon than the man during the eclipse, in other words to watch the eclipse you had to be facing away from where ‘the man’ was standing… the perfect diversion… we slept through the thing sadly but i was told by several people that “a gasp arose from twenty thousand throats” as first one then another then everyone who had been watching the moon spun around to see ‘the man’ blazing away four days early… the fire department that is on call there put out ‘the man’ but not before he was good and charred… a day or two later some guy was busted for ‘arson’, his mug shot shows him grinning happily with his face covered in war paint… another ‘man’ was quickly put together with a phoenix painted on his forehead… for me i thought the premature burning was totally in keeping with the spirit of the thing, i’m just sorry i missed it… when the second ‘man’ finally burnt amidst all of the usual pomp and ceremony i was struck that his fire seemed less majestic than it did in previous years, i asked and people said that the one that had been burnt on tuesday was similar in its lack of blaze… so whats happening in ‘Black Rock City”? in the four years that we’ve been away certainly some changes; for example i just didnt see many of the amazing costumes that i had i previous years, there were a few great ones but just not the same magnitude… every year apparently the crowds at burning man increase as does the percentage of ‘first timers’, this year there were 44 thousand people and fifty percent there for the first time… i had a great time though, still no matter how ‘commercial’ it ever gets as long as it goes along the same lines as it has it will always be a little bit amazing and beautiful…
“the monkies”…one of the most amazing installations, ‘the monkies’ were a huge Zoetrope, really impossible to describe, one had to see it working… it was very far out on the playa and one was always seeing people wandering around saying “where are the monkies?”… at night when five or six people rode stationary bikes that powered it the huge carousel would turn, strobe lights would go off and the illusion of one monkey swinging through the air and eating an eternally slithering snake was just fantastic
“the monkies” at night
‘man’ burns officially finally we were all saddened by the passing of Hilly Crystal, i had a really great affection for him, he was a father figure for all of us, i am just really glad that near the end he was hailed as an innovator, that he finally got a little of the attention that he deserved all along
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9 September 2007

Debbie’s new remixes for “Two Times Blue” have been released in the US by eMusic.
If you use the following link, you can get 25 free downloads, which you can use to download the new mixes, including some that are exclusive to eMusic (offer valid to US billing addresses only):
25 Free Downloads
eMusic’s downloads are standard MP3s with NO copy protection, which means you can use them on your iPod or any other MP3 compatible digital device or burn them to CD with no restrictions.
The tracks include the original version, mixes by Soul Seekerz and Stonebridge, and a special acapella!
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3 August 2007
Robert Matheu, the proprieter and savior of CREEM magazine was at the LOVEBOX festival in London with us and took this pic of D and Sly after Sly’s set (Family Stone was the headliner) the Stone band is everything one would expect, quite fantastic i will be headed out to BURNING MAN in just about two weeks now… see whoever shows up there
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25 July 2007
the LOVEBOX festival was very gratifying… really great to play to a big group who all were paying attention and all, a nice end for the UK shows the band is very very tight right now, i am amazed myself… we are still here in Copenhagen, fly back in a while we will figure out what to do next thanks so much to all of you for your continuing support after all this time
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19 July 2007
this is winding down, three more shows what happens is after about four maybe five shows we get very ‘warmed up’ as it were, and just play better… the first show at the BOSpop festival in Weert Holland was maybe the weirdest ever as far as us being ‘cold’… i really had wanted to do a few days of rehearsal prior to coming over but everyone was involved in other stuff… as a result we did the show after not playing together for, hmm, what? two months? (the last thing was the today show i guess and then no sound check to top it off i guess it was ok but required more concentration than i prefer… after we are ‘warmed up’ there is very little concentration needed and the stuff is just a lot more relaxed, we can do more improvising within the song frameworks etc one funny bit is that i of course watch the crowd to see how the stuff is being received, one thing i used to use as a measure was people lighting cigarettes when they were bored a little, so thats gone now cause you cant smoke in these places anymore… what still is around is camera flashes though another measure of crowd interest; when people like a moment they take pictures, shoot camera flashes… this is a bit psychic cause its not always a visual thing they are trying to capture, flashes go off at musical highs, crescendos etc as if sometimes they were trying to take pics of the music itself the LOVEBOX festival in London is almost upon us, lots of talk about Sly, what he will do or not do etc… but even though we likely wont get to see them one of my favorites TOOTS and THE MAYTALS… i may have written in the past about these guys, to reiterate a bit, here is a band that REALLY deserves to be in the hall of fame, and i dont think they were ever even nominated… TOOTS and THE MAYTALS made some of the absolutely greatest recordings ever finally, now more than ever, everyplace we go we hear about the ‘end of the record industry’… Prince releasing his new album as a giveaway with one of the UK daily papers is a perhaps a great stroke, a lot of grumbling in the media but i dont see what the hell he owes to ‘the record industry’ after being so badly screwed over by it… nothing is gonna stop music from being made even though how it is packaged and presented is in transition… problem for me is how to make a living doing this, well recording anyway… as soon as Prince did his release various other daily papers here jumped on the train, two days later was a giveaway of Chuck Berry cd’s with another paper… where will this lead? will we see CD’s littering the streets and in freebee vendors like copies of last weeks Village Voice? finally finally NO, we never tell the security at gigs to make anyone sit it their seats, i much prefer stand-up situations thanks again to all of you who have said hello and have come to the shows
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17 July 2007
yes a certain British airline did manage to lose ALL of the bands and some of the crews luggage, (this brings the level of luggage loss to a new height) i’m not sure how this info was leaked to the general public but somehow it was… let me say that i am happy to wear the same t-shirt for three weeks if that will put a halt to the menace of international terrorism, curse them… see, the day we arrived sans bags i saw i thing on tv here that there are some twenty thousand bags floating around Heath row all due to various new anti terror tactics… so i feel so much safer in spite of having ALL MY SHIT MISSING!!!! that and knowing that Paris Hilton is behind bars where she cant threaten the well being of humanity the gigs here have been really well received… Hammersmith was a technical struggle but was perhaps made even better as a result… the crowds have been amazing, thnx to everyone for the positive energy we had some six thousand people in the cold and rain in Edinburgh… so just thnx really to all of you who make it less of a grind for us by showing up and supporting i miss the family a lot this time, the tour routing made it impossible to bring em… Akira is 4 years old, happy b’day i’ll report at greater length in a while have you noticed that the world keeps getting weirder?
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