i have been neglecting some of these posting duties due to ennui and using the time i have to keep active on the upcoming record project
pretty soon i am hoping to release some concrete data re the next record, till then you will have to live in some suspense
thus far i have only heard i guess four of the tracks mixed… ok what i do have is tracks are being mixed by Mark Needham in LA, produced by our now old pal Jeff Saltzman one of the most patient individuals in the whole of something…
i am still working on new music… the world of digital recording is unlimited and i can do hours and hours experimenting with sounds etc etc
but yes winter is a drag (‘winters gun‘ is the title of an old friends latest recording, i love it, had been playing it constantly for several months when i first got it)
and there is little to do outside of a limited circle sooo i was pleased to find the crazy service offered by Xtranormal.com … there one can waste time making little cartoon creatures say weird shit to each other, the results however are pretty hi end… so for part and full time computer geeks like myself its an amusing winter pastime… some results are on my youtube site: esxp on youtube thats about it… still not set up to send autographs, should be in the UK this year etc etc
happy new year by the way