Our friend, photographer, video artist, director, and performer Rob Roth, has participated in MIX NYC’s 2nd Annual Naked Eye Camera Benefit, where creative folk from all walks of art personally fill a unique, unprocessed disposable camera with images from their day-to-day lives. Included in the package is one unprocessed disposable Fuji camera (27 exposures), one photocopy of the participant’s signed release form (for legal purposes) and one autographed note written by Rob: “I created a persona out of a hand puppet named ‘Monkeysex’. I kept Monkeysex with me throughout the month and took snapshots with the puppet representing me. Snapshots with friends like Debbie Harry and Justin Bond, at events as varied as Badass Burlesque in NYC and the Radical Faerie Gathering in Tennessee with other ‘private’ moments in between.” MIX NYC is a 20-year-old 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose board members board & staff are volunteers. Their signature event, the New York Lesbian & Gay Experimental Film Festival, will take place in November 2007. In 2006 they launched a free summer media-training program for disadvantaged queer youth, and a film preservation program to save essential queer films from being lost to future generations. Throughout the year they host free community screenings in greater New York City. MIX also produces the ACT UP Oral History Project (www.actuporalhistory.org), which is documenting the history of AIDS activism. 100% of the final sale price will support MIX NYC. MIX NYC: www.mixnyc.org Direct link to auction on eBay: eBay Auction