touring this summer

we here at the site have gotten cranky letters about not putting up dates in a timely enough manner i sort of understand but really since the upcoming tour is still more than two months away i dont quite get the urgency… i do however appreciate the sentiment behind it all though, that some fans want to get tickets or know about shows as quickly as possible so to them sorry as for myself i always tell people “i’m just following orders” when it comes to touring info; for example the other day i was in the coffee shop here and the girl who works there told me that we were playing nearby which was news to me… hopefully dates will be up here soon enough that said i am also sorry that i have taken the winter off from blogging as it were… but it was a long ass winter, very icy.. i got a really massive new mac pro and have been working with LOGIC which i like a lot… after about 15 years of dealing with pc’s i finally switched and am now a dedicated mac fan and user… i am still amazed at the service they give as opposed to all of the companies that do pc’s… i guess having a monopoly is good for something this is just small talk cause i dont have much to say… i hope Obama is the president but i’m not holding my breath… i have been reading “No Country For Old Men” which is awesome, fills in the holes that were in the film so here then is perhaps my favorite film moment of all time from the epic “Maniac” which boasts Phyllis Diller in the credits though watching the thing its virtually impossible to tell who of all the young dames in the movie might be her, cause who the fuck knows what Phyllis Diller looked like at age 25 except her mother maybe enjoy



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