sorry to not be around lately not due to anything but life etc. lots of baby stuff, Vali the little one now says her name when you ask her what her name is… well she says “Lalee” anyway, has trouble with ‘v’ i am hearing now that we WILL be over to the UK in the summer for festival season, that is July ’07 sometimes, i dont know if it’s confirmed yet, but seems likely then there’s our YOUTUBE project “FIENDS” which is a parody of ‘friends’ the awful tv show, i mean i never ever even so much as watched the credits for friends but i knew what it was, very popular etc. so when Barbara my wife and her friend Elenor wanted to do this thing, i actually had to watch the credits… so i shot it and did the music, the singer is my friend Jason, Barbara directed it… please help promote it if you like it, we are trying to get it up there in hits, so far we are doing ok with it one can see it at FIENDS
click there or go to: i will get some more stuff up here soon meanwhile i am getting so many autograph and picture requests its crazy, again (again again again etc etc) i’m sorry that i cant do anything about them here but there are just too many and we aren’t set up to deal with em